(jan) The Story Page This is a modern-time story of the most monumental clash between the crushing power of a tyrannical state and traditional... 02-16-2023 |
The Horrific Legacy of Former Chinese Dictator, Jiang Zemin What is the legacy of a man who ordered the genocide of 70-100 million people? For the sake of the victims and... 11-30-2022 | Executive Director of the Falun Dafa Information Center | OP-ED
July 20th: The Day Persecution of 100 Million Began Dear Reader, I STILL REMEMBER IT LIKE IT WAS YESTERDAY. We were getting scattered reports of middle-of-the-night home... 07-21-2021 | NEWSLETTERS
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio Pays Tribute to Falun Gong Movement Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) issued the following statement in commemoration of the fallen victims of the Falun... 07-20-2021 | GOVERNMENT ACTIONS
Reported Sentencings of 96 Falun Gong Practitioners in May 2021 Based on original reports from Minghui.org In May 2021, 96 Falun Gong practitioners were reported sentenced for their faith. The... 06-17-2021 | ABDUCTIONS AND IMPRISONMENT
Hong Kong Threats and How Incentives Drive Persecution in China Friday, April 16, 2021 Dear Reader, THE ILLICIT AND TWISTED ANATOMY OF China’s persecution machinery reveals a great deal about... 04-16-2021 | NEWSLETTERS
U.S. Bill Aims to Stop Forced Organ Harvesting; Ongoing Torture in China’s Black Jails Tuesday, March 30, 2021 Dear Reader, When the Chinese regime officially abolished their forced labor camp system many years ago,... 03-30-2021 | NEWSLETTERS
A Crisis in China Foretells Global Threat Today, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) looms large on the international stage, posing a grave threat. To understand the... 03-26-2021 | UNCATEGORIZED