The Falun Gong Story
When the Chinese Communist Party launched the persecution campaign against Falun Gong in 1999, the world was, understandably, caught off-guard. After all, few in the west even knew what Falun Gong was, nor did they realize there were 100 million people practicing Falun Gong in China at the time.
So, what’s the real story?
What is Falun Gong really all about, what exactly is happening in China, and what is the impact?
Origins of Falun Gong History of Qigong and Its Relationship to Buddhism, Taoism What is Tao, the Way, or the Fa? Destruction of Traditional Culture by the Chinese Communist Party Introduction of Falun Gong and Cultural Renewal in China Read the Article »
Falun Gong’s Humble Beginnings Miraculous Healing Effects of Falun Gong How Falun Gong Teachings are Different from Other Schools “The True Ancient, Good Things are Coming Back!” Praise by the Chinese Ministry of Public Security Praise by the Chinese State-run Media Awards and Recognitions of Falun Gong and Mr. Li Falun Gong Books Became National Bestsellers 100 Million Learning Falun Dafa Around the World Read the Article »
Falun Gong Withdraws from the State-run Qigong Association State-run Media Start to Criticize and Attack Falun Gong April 25, 1999: Gathering at Zhongnanhai Angered Jiang Zemin Pursues Crackdown Response of Chinese lawyers and International Experts Read the Article »
July 20, 1999: The Crackdown Begins “Eradicate Them in 3 Months” – Jiang Zemin Gestapo-like “610 Office” Police Raids, Kidnapping, Imprisonment Nationwide Burning of Falun Gong Books Show Trial: 18 Years in Prison for Practicing Falun Gong Torture and First Deaths in Custody Practitioner’s Last Resort: Tiananmen Square The Crippling Cost of Tyranny Propaganda is Failing The Tiananmen Self-Immolation: A Hoax that Turns the Tide Read the Article »
Why is Falun Gong Persecuted? Imprisonment and Brainwashing Torture Sexual Assault Organ Harvesting Censorship and Propaganda Fuel Violence Social and Economic Impact Read the Article »
Peaceful protests on Tiananmen Square Tapping into state television broadcasting Underground, home-produced media flourishes Mass exodus away from Chinese Communist Party Breaking through China’s Great Firewall Taking on Chinese regime’s ‘fake news’ media empire Western governments take action International lawsuits & awareness campaigns Read the Article »