World Falun Dafa Day Livestream in NYC NTD Television streamed the 2022 World Falun Dafa Day parade in New York on May 13. May 13 this year... 05-02-2022 | CULTURAL RENEWAL
New Zealand: Practitioners Participate in Ten Christmas Parades—Receive First Place Award By a Minghui reporter in New Zealand With the warm, springlike weather preceding the holidays, southern hemisphere Christmas parades are... 12-20-2020 | CULTURAL RENEWAL
New York: A Parade of Nearly 10,000 Falun Dafa Practitioners Amazes Manhattan Nearly 10,000 Falun Dafa practitioners from dozens of countries walked through Manhattan on May 16, 2019, to celebrate the 27th... 06-08-2019 | CULTURAL RENEWAL
Upholding Freedom—Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in New York Veterans Day Parade New York’s annual Veterans Day Parade was held on Fifth Ave in Manhattan, on Sunday. This year’s theme marked the... 11-20-2018 | CULTURAL RENEWAL
Cultural Renewal Perhaps the most unlikely, and hopeful, of developments during the years of suppression in China has been a dynamic, creative... 01-07-2016 | CULTURAL RENEWAL
Culture Bearers Ask the typical American what he or she associates with Chinese culture, and youre apt to get a range of... 06-02-2012 | CULTURAL RENEWAL
The Chen Family: Music, Meditation, and Freedom of Belief The Chen Family is a living example of the familiar saying, A family that plays together, stays together. A harmonious... 06-15-2008 | PERSONAL ACCOUNTS
May 13 to Mark Falun Dafa Day Around the World In as many as 70 or more countries this weekend, followers and supporters of Falun Dafa will gather to commemorate... 05-11-2007 | CULTURAL RENEWAL