Mr. Chen Teng Chen Teng recounted, "My mother was arrested six times. I was expelled from school when I was just twelve, and... 01-02-2022 | PERSECUTION ACCOUNTS
Canadian Student: “Please Help Rescue My Mom” “Today, I am sharing the story about me and my family. But this is also the story of countless Falun... 11-28-2021 | FAMILY AND DESTITUTION
Centennial Celebrations Spell Crackdown for Falun Gong Dear Reader, THE MONTH OF JULY REPRESENTS A HARROWING TIME for Falun Gong practitioners, something entirely antithetical to freedom and independence... 07-06-2021 | NEWSLETTERS
CCP Violence Here At Home; 622 Sentenced in China in 2020 Tuesday, March 9, 2021 Dear Reader, ONE OF MY DEAR FRIENDS was once left beaten and bloody on his front... 03-09-2021 | NEWSLETTERS
At Least 83 people killed and 622 Wrongfully Sentenced for Their Faith in Falun Gong in 2020 According to information collected by the Minghui website, at least 83 Falun Gong practitioners died in 2020, as a result... 02-28-2021 | UNCATEGORIZED
Qiqihar Woman Remains Peacefully Defiant After Enduring Torture for Her Faith Ms. Li Aiying (Li Erying), of Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province, continues to be harassed by authorities after completing an illegal... 02-13-2021 | NEWS
Macabre Propaganda Anniversary + Notable Annual Reports Thursday, February 4, 2021 Dear Reader, WHILE THE WEB OF LIES AND MIND CONTROL WROUGHT BY THE CCP in China... 02-04-2021 | NEWSLETTERS
15,235 Falun Gong Practitioners Targeted for Their Faith in 2020 A Minghui report While China was hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, its ruling party, the Chinese Communist... 02-02-2021 | NEWS
922 Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested in July 2019 According to information compiled by, 922 Falun Gong practitioners in China were arrested and 289 harassed for their faith... 08-23-2019 | ABDUCTIONS AND IMPRISONMENT