May 13, 2008: Falun Gong News Bulletin * Center for Investigative Reporting: Beijing Olympic Chief Linked to Torture * 15-Year-Old Orphaned as Mother Dies in Custody *... 05-13-2008 | DEATHS
Countdown to Olympics Fails to Stop Killing in China During the month of June the Falun Dafa Information Center has recorded the deaths of 20 Falun Gong adherents as... 08-22-2007 | DEATHS
Confessions of a Chinese Consular Official Former Senior Diplomat from China Testifies before Congress "I testify today regarding how the Chinese missions abroad, and specifically in... 07-21-2005 | PROPAGANDA IN THE WEST
Who Shot David Liang? Who shot Falun Gong practitioner David Liang last week in South Africa is a question drawing international attention, and one... 07-06-2004 | PRESS RELEASES
Amnesty International: 2003 Annual Report (excerpts) Serious human rights violations continued and in some respects the situation deteriorated. […] The “strike hard” campaign against crime launched... 03-01-2004 | INDEPENDENT DOCUMENTATION
Cover-ups, Torture, Brainwashing and Death: News of 14 More Falun Gong Dead from Police Atrocities in China Reports of the deaths of fourteen Falun Gong practitioners have recently been confirmed. Many of these cases repeat a chilling... 04-14-2003 | DEATHS
Six More Die in Jiang Zemins Persecution of Falun Gong As the persecution of Falun Gong continues, the methods Jiang Zemins regime uses to attempt to eliminate the peaceful practice... 03-23-2003 | ABDUCTIONS AND IMPRISONMENT
15 Falun Gong Practitioners Dead in China from Police Brutality, Torture or Forced Labor On Thursday, January 9, 2003, four drunken police officers from Caidian District Police Substation came to Qunying Lius home and... 01-31-2003 | DEATHS