Ms. Tan Cuiying, 57, Hunan

Ms. Tan Cuiying prior to her detention
Name: Tan Cuiying (???)
Gender: Female
Age: Around 57
Occupation: Housewife
Date of Most Recent Arrest: May 24, 2005
Date of Most Recent Release: 2008
Date of Death: July 18, 2011
Province: Hunan
City: Yongzhu City
Town: Shenling
Case Details:
On June 30, 2011 Ms. Tan Cuiying visited a detention center where her husband was being held after being abducted from their home in May for practicing Falun Gong. She requested his release. Officers beat her until she lost consciousness. When she came to several hours later she was incontinent and could not take care of her basic needs. She died less than three weeks later.
Prior to this occasion, Ms. Tan and her husband, Mr. Ou Yicheng had both been arrested and detained for practicing Falun Gong. On May 24, 2005, for example, Ms. Tan was sentenced to three years in the Changsha Woman’s Prison. There, in addition to other forms of torture, she suffered from injections of unknown substances that left her incapacitated for a long time.
Most recently Mr. Ou was arrested on May 13, 2011, when police broke in and ransacked their home. Mr. Ou Shuangcai, the Shenling Town CCP Political and Judiciary Committee Secretary, accompanied the arresting officers.