Congressional Briefing Held Regarding Communist Chinese Agents Harassing, Assaulting American Falun Gong on U.S. Soil

The office of Congressman Hyde initiated a briefing on Capitol Hill regarding harassment, assaults and other persecutory measures carried out by Chinese government agents in the U.S.
WASHINGTON DC (FDI) – Attacks against Falun Gong on U.S. soil by agents of the Chinese Communist regime have caught the attention of federal law makers.
On Monday, the office of U.S. Congressman Henry Hyde – Chairman of the House International Relations Committee – initiated a briefing on Capital Hill regarding a recent attack on Falun Gong practitioners in New York City by agents of the Chinese regime. (news)
The briefing began with a 9-minute video documenting the June 23rd attack in New York as well as dozens of related incidents across the United States where Falun Gong practitioners and U.S. officials who support them were subjected to intimidation, harassment, threats and violence from Chinese government officials or individuals working under their direction.
“He rushed towards me and…punched me in my face while cursing,” New Yorker Mr. Jun Li told Congressional staff members at the briefing about the assault in New York. “Then, someone kicked me from behind and there were others who were beating my head. If this beating happens in China, it would be from the lies and propaganda created by Jiang’s regime. However, this beating happened in the U.S.”
Ms. Janet Xiong, also of New York City, briefed staff members on a number of incidents of harassment, death threats and other persecutory measures that have been carried out in recent years by individuals linked to China’s New York consulate. “For the past four years, [former Chinese leader] Jiang Zemin has used the consular services overseas and local pro-communist Chinese associations to incite hatred against Falun Gong in all levels of society,” Ms. Xiong said. “Even though I am living in America, I feel like I am living in the shadow of the Jiang regime’s terrorism.”
The briefing is the latest Congressional action to uncover and stamp out harassing and persecutory tactics adopted by Chinese government agents in the U.S. against Falun Gong.
In July 2002, the U.S. Congress unanimously (420-0) passed Concurrent Resolution 188, condemning the persecution of Falun Gong and calling for further investigation into allegations of persecution in the U.S.: “The US Government should investigate illegal activities by the Government of the People’s Republic of China and its diplomats, concerning harassment of US citizens and residents who practice Falun Gong and of US officials who support Falun Gong; and take legal action or resort to deportation for those Chinese officials who have been found engaging in unlawful activities on US soil.” (news)
Also in July, 2002, Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey proposed a second resolution, House Concurrent Resolution 447, against the illicit activity: “China’s leaders have already extended their campaign against freedom to America,” said Congresswoman Woolsey during a rally in Washington DC for Falun Gong. “We must stand up to this attempt to intimidate American officials on American soil.”
High-Level Chinese Officials Rally behind Attackers in New York City
On June 23, the leader of a Chinese association with close ties to the New York Chinese Consulate led a group of men in an attack on Falun Gong practitioners who were holding banners and handing out flyers outside a restaurant in Chinatown while high-level Chinese diplomats dined inside.
The assailant was later arrested by local police and charged with assault. (news)
In the subsequent weeks, the Chinese Ambassador to the U.N., the New York Chinese Consular General and Chinese government-backed organizations rallied behind the attackers authoring public letters and statements in the Chinese language media backing their vow to “fight Falun Gong to the end.”
“This kind of behavior is really just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what the persecution of Falun Gong is like in China where thousands are believed to have died from state-authorized torture and abuse, and state-run media constantly demonizes the practice,” says Falun Dafa Information Center spokeswoman Gail Rachlin. “But this is the United States of America…it’s unbelievable that a Communist foreign power would think they could get away with this on U.S. soil.”
New York state officials agree, and are showing an increasing concern in the alleged illegal activities by agents of the Chinese government.
“They’re violating one of the basic precepts upon which this country was founded,” said New York State Senator Frank Padavan about the June 23 attack during an interview with New Tang Dynasty Television. “In addition, we have laws that deal with hate crimes…and obviously this crime was committed against these people on the basis of their [belief]. So not only did they violate a basic precept of our founding fathers, but they also violated state law.”
Also in an interview with New Tang Dynasty Television, New York City councilman, John Liu, said, “People should have the freedom to say whatever they like without fear of physical attack.”