In His Own Words: Hao Fengjun Explains Why He Escaped from China Editor’s note: Hao Fengjun, 32, a former police officer of the 610 Office of the Tianjin Bureau of State Security,... 06-09-2005 | INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING
Who Shot David Liang? Who shot Falun Gong practitioner David Liang last week in South Africa is a question drawing international attention, and one... 07-06-2004 | PRESS RELEASES
Criminal Lawsuit Filed in Iceland Charging Head of Gestapo-like Agency in China with Crimes of Torture, Genocide For the past four years, the "6-10 Office" in China -- described by the United States Congress as an agency... 09-08-2003 | PRESS RELEASES
Hebei Police Rape Female Falun Gong Practitioners According to news sources in Hebei Province, police in Xingtai Public Security Bureau have gang-raped many female Falun Gong practitioners.... 07-16-2001 | PRESS RELEASES