15-year-old Orphaned as Mother Dies in Custody The Falun Dafa Information Center has learned of the death of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhou Huimin, based on reports... 05-09-2008 | DEATHS
Weekly Standard: Carrying a Torch for China LondonIt was my four-year-old son’s first demonstration. But he was getting cold, the police were manhandling the Tibetans to the... 04-21-2008 | INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING
China’s People Power Chinese people are getting fed up, and stating so publicly. Generations of Chinese have had to live in fear and... 04-15-2008 | UNCATEGORIZED
Prisoner of Conscience Cao Dong’s Wife Writes Open Letter Detailing Official Torture, Family Harassment and Lack of Due Process The following is the translation of a letter written by Yang Xiaojing and dated April 8, 2008. Yang remains in... 04-08-2008 | TORTURE
Olympic-Size Violations Beijing Olympic organizers have openly expressed a policy banning Falun Gong adherents from attending the 2008 summer Olympics, the Falun... 11-14-2007 | PRESS RELEASES
Countdown to Olympics Fails to Stop Killing in China During the month of June the Falun Dafa Information Center has recorded the deaths of 20 Falun Gong adherents as... 08-22-2007 | DEATHS
The Epoch Times: Chinese Justice in a Spanish Court? In a groundbreaking case, Chinese victims of rights violations moved a step closer to seeing their abusers held to account... 08-06-2007 | INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING
Many Products for Export Made at Shanghai Women’s Forced Labor Camp In democratic countries, forced labor camps like those in China are regarded as illegitimate facilities because people held there have... 08-04-2007 | ABDUCTIONS AND IMPRISONMENT
Amnesty International: Hong Kong Ten Years On In 2001 and 2002, members of the Falun Gong spiritual movement, a registered society in Hong Kong despite being banned... 06-29-2007 | INDEPENDENT DOCUMENTATION