Rat Poison at China’s Xinhua “News” Agency On July 2, Xinhua News Agency reported in Wenzhou City in Zhenjiang province "16 Beggars Poisoned: the Suspect is a... 07-15-2003 | PRESS RELEASES
Four Year Anniversary of Beijing Peaceful Appeal — Four Years of Lies from China’s Leaders On April 25, 1999, Falun Gong emerged on the international radar screen when more than 10,000 Falun Gong practitioners gathered... 04-24-2003 | PRESS RELEASES
“China Lies, People Die:” Practitioners of Falun Gong Rally in New York Citys Times Square Over 2,000 practitioners and supporters of Falun Gong from around the world gathered Saturday in several locations throughout New York... 04-23-2003 | FAMILY AND DESTITUTION
Please Help Rescue My Fiancé, American Dr. Charles Li I first met Charles more than a year ago at a social gathering at Stanford University. He is a very... 01-31-2003 | PERPETRATORS
Beijing and Taipei: Two Cities, Worlds Apart Mr. Zhiwun Wang, an engineer from Beijing, was kidnapped from his bed by police, illegally held in detention and most... 01-16-2003 | ABDUCTIONS AND IMPRISONMENT
Survivor of Chinas Wanjia Labour Camp Lands in Canada Today After Emergency Rescue Effort Ms. Yuzhi Wang has been incarcerated in Chinas notoriously brutal Wanjia Labour Camp, where, preliminary reports say, she faced brutal... 11-12-2002 | PERSONAL ACCOUNTS
Thousands of Falun Gong Practitioners Carry Out Peaceful Appeals During Jiangs Visit to North America Thousands of Falun Gong supporters and practitioners gathered at each stop of Jiang Zemins visit to North America over the... 10-29-2002 | KEY EVENTS
Jiang’s Hard-line Arrives in Houston Days before Chinese Communist leader, Jiang Zemin's, visit to Houston, local businesses and residents have already begun feeling the pressure. 10-22-2002 | PERPETRATORS
Falsified Reports, Immediate Cremation Used to Conceal Those Tortured to Death Ms. Xiaoyun Fu from Wuhan City was tortured to death last month by Chinese police. 09-19-2002 | DEATHS
Falun Gong TV Programs Broadcast for 70 Minutes Around Baoding City and Beijing Falun Gong practitioners in China have once again turned the tables on one of the Chinese leader's most potent weapons... 09-04-2002 | DOCUMENTATION FROM INSIDE CHINA