Diplomacy with Chinese (Communist) Characteristics? Seven adherents of the Falun Gong were arrested without grounds in Moscow on Saturday at 3:30pm local time, sources in... 03-28-2007 | ABDUCTIONS AND IMPRISONMENT
Falun Gong Practitioners Assaulted in Argentina after Lawsuit against Visiting Chinese Official The Falun Dafa Information Center (FDI) has received first-hand accounts of assault, battery, and theft perpetrated against Falun Gong practitioners... 12-15-2005 | PRESS RELEASES
Defending New York From Chinas Worst Books and notepads overflow off the desk to the chairs and floor in her small office in New York City... 11-14-2005 | UNCATEGORIZED
A Global Campaign of Harassment, Intimidation and Violence Soon after Chinese leader Jiang Zemin initiated the brutal persecution of Falun Gong in 1999, incidents appeared of Chinese officials... 07-05-2004 | INTERNATIONAL PRESSURE
40 Non-governmental Organizations Adopt Resolution Calling for Censure of China 40 international human rights organizations have adopted a resolution urging the U.N. Human Rights Commission to censure China for widespread... 03-16-2004 | PRESS RELEASES
Landmark Genocide Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin on Firm Ground, Says Appeal Filed Today Dr. Terri Marsh, lead attorney in the ground-breaking lawsuit against former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin and the 6-10 Office, filed... 01-20-2004 | PRESS RELEASES
Criminal Lawsuit Filed in Finland Charging Head of Gestapo-like Agency in China with Crimes of Genocide, Torture For the second time in three days, Standing Committee member of the Chinese Communist Partys Politburo, Luo Gan, was served... 09-11-2003 | DEATHS
Sweden Responds to Chinas Pressure on Thailand As part of its worldwide campaign to persecute Falun Gong, the Chinese regime is exerting pressure on the Thai government... 05-04-2003 | PRESS RELEASES
Myanmar: Elder Slapped with 7 Years for “Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance” Banner 71-year-old Mr. Chan stands quietly by the side of a Myanmar road. He unfolds a little yellow banner that reads... 01-24-2003 | PERSECUTION EXPORTED TO THE WEST