1,500 Gather Together to Call for an End to the Persecution of Falun Gong
Lincoln Memorial Evening Concert, Candlelight Vigil Among Weekend Activities

Candles fill the dark night with hope. Several hundred practitioners from all over the world gather at the base of the reflecting pool to enjoy the performances. Over the past year, practitioners have given a series of free public concerts throughout the US, Europe and Canada.
WASHINGTON DC, July 22, 2002 (Falun Dafa Information Center) — This week supporters and practitioners of Falun Gong are gathering in Washington, D.C. to call for an end to the past three years of persecution and commemorate the peaceful appeals of practitioners throughout the world. Activities to date included cultural events, an evening concert at the Lincoln Memorial with performances by Falun Gong practitioners and a candlelight vigil at the Washington Monument.
A large-scale rally on Tuesday, July 23, “Together to end the Persecution,” will include comments of support by members of US Congress and culminate in a march.
Activities scheduled for Tuesday include a march from the Chinese Embassy to the US Capitol (10:00am-12:30pm), followed by a rally on the Lower West Terrace Lawn (12:30pm).
Joined by members of Congress, speakers will include Falun Gong practitioners whose names were on a “blacklist” of Falun Gong practitioners from around the world reportedly compiled by agents of the Chinese government. Others who have been directly affected by the persecution with also speak.
Events contact: Terri Wu, (202) 550-0562