Help Spread the Word: #21YearsTooLong Campaign for July

Thursday, July 9, 2020

It began in the middle of the night, July 20, 1999.

Across China under the veil of darkness, police dragged ordinary people from their beds. Many would be taken to holding centers and jails, others beaten, and some would die from torture.

Thus began a nationwide, violent crusade against 100 million innocent people. It is a crusade characterized by mass, arbitrary detentions, imprisonment, torture, and killing. It is a crusade that has been raging for 21 years.

The Falun Dafa Information Center is taking the month of July to promote an online campaign using the hashtag #21YearsTooLong. This campaign will consist of a number of posts and content throughout the month that will shed new light on the scale and nature of human rights abuses against Falun Gong in China, as well as the impact of this suppression around the world.


  1. Share our daily posts with your followers. To share our initial launch posts, click HERE for Facebook, and HERE for Twitter.
  2. Write your own message commemorating the anniversary or reflecting on the more than two decades of persecution faced by Falun Gong practitioners. Don’t forget to add the #21YearsTooLong hashtag.
  3. Follow our social media accounts…

Thank you for helping us spread the word. Now, more than ever, we need to shine a light on these atrocities committed by the Chinese Communist Party.



Levi Browde, Executive Director
Falun Dafa Information Center
