Key Events By late 2001, however, hundreds of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners had been arrested or detained. According to the Washington... 04-09-2015 | KEY EVENTS
Western Media Wrong on Tiananmen Square “Self-Immolations” While reporting on the fire that erupted on Tiananmen Square earlier today and the self-immolations that have occurred there in... 10-28-2013 | PRESS RELEASES
The Tiananmen Square “Self-Immolation” On January 23, 2001, five individuals allegedly set themselves on fire in Tienanmen Square. Within hours, Chinese authorities flooded the... 12-14-2001 | PROPAGANDA & CENSORSHIP
Human Fire Ignites Chinese Mystery Feb 6, 2001 Washington Post Author Philip Pan traveled to Kaifeng to investigate two of the immolators, Ms. Liu Chunling... 02-06-2001 | INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING