Falsified Reports, Immediate Cremation Used to Conceal Those Tortured to Death Ms. Xiaoyun Fu from Wuhan City was tortured to death last month by Chinese police. 09-19-2002 | DEATHS
Jane Doe I, Jane Doe II, Helene Petit, Martin Larsson, Leeshai Lemish, and Roland Odar v. LIU QI, and DOES 1-5 Affidavit of Robert Berring, Professor of Law, University of California (Boalt Hall), on Chinese legal provisions relevant to the persecution... 09-01-2002 | LEGAL
Changchun Reduced to Chaos in Effort to Round Up Falun Gong Practitioners Days after the cable signal of eight major Changchun TV stations was overridden by programming exposing the illegal persecution of... 03-13-2002 | PRESS RELEASES
Chinese Air Force Officer Killed for Practicing Falun Gong A 49-year-old officer in the Chinese Air Force has died in police custody. He had been arrested because of his... 03-06-2002 | DEATHS
The Tiananmen Square “Self-Immolation” On January 23, 2001, five individuals allegedly set themselves on fire in Tienanmen Square. Within hours, Chinese authorities flooded the... 12-14-2001 | PROPAGANDA & CENSORSHIP
Chinas Alleged Brainwashing “Success” Cause for Serious Concern Chinas state media claimed today that Ms. Teng Chunyan, a U.S. permanent resident sentenced in China to 3 years in... 11-20-2001 | PRESS RELEASES
China’s Suppression Carries a High Price JIANG ZEMIN may succeed in suppressing the Falun Gong [spiritual group] for now, but the president’s prestige could suffer considerable... 09-02-2001 | INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING
A Deadly Exercise – Practicing Falun Gong Was a Right, Ms. Chen Said, to Her Last Day Apr 20, 2000 Wall Street Journal The day before Chen Zixiu died, her captors again demanded that she renounce her... 04-25-2000 | Wall Street Journal | DEATHS
PRC: The Crackdown on Falun Gong and Other So-Called Heretical Organizations (excerpts) Since July 1999, a whole series of decisions, notices, regulations, judicial interpretations and other official documents have been issued by... 03-23-2000 | UNCATEGORIZED