220 results found
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Mr. Wang Xuezhu, 41, Jilin

Mr. Wang Xuezhu was arrested on April 24, 2008 as part of the pre-Beijing Olympic roundup, detained for eight months...
08-22-2011 | DEATHS

Mr. Liu Renge, 56, Jilin

On June 28, 2011, Officers from the Tonghua County Domestic Security Division illegally arrested Mr. Liu as he was going...
07-22-2011 | DEATHS

Ms. Sun Shuxiang, 53, Jilin

A 53-year-old woman, whose testimony of excruciating and professionally-administered torture attorney Gao Zhisheng relayed in one of his open letters...
10-10-2010 | DEATHS

Mr. Cai Fuchen, Jilin

Falun Gong practitioner Cai Fuchen (???), a government employee from Jilin province, died in police custody in mid-September after spending...
09-15-2010 | DEATHS

Mr. Liang Zhenxing, 46, Jilin

A Changchun resident who tapped into Chinese state-controlled media in March 2002 to air footage exposing the persecution of Falun...
05-01-2010 | DEATHS

Mr. Xu Baiyi, 55, Jilin

Mr. Xu Baiyi was repeatedly arrested since 1999. In 2002, he was "sentenced" to a long prison term and transferred...
01-29-2010 | DEATHS