Gao Zhisheng’s Birthday, April Highlights Dear Reader, Today is the 59th birthday of human rights defender and author Gao Zhisheng, a vocal advocate for victims... 04-20-2023 | NEWSLETTERS
How Do We Know the Persecution is Brutal and Ongoing? Over the past decade, a wide range of international human rights groups, Chinese lawyers, former prisoners of conscience imprisoned with... 05-28-2015 | INDEPENDENT DOCUMENTATION
Ten Things to Know about China as Hu Jintao Arrives in the United States On the eve of Chinese leader Hu Jintaos arrival in the United States for a state visit, the Falun Dafa... 01-17-2011 | ABDUCTIONS AND IMPRISONMENT
Compassion Magazine 2010 I. Analysis Falun Gong Persecution and Activism in China Today Misunderstanding Falun Gong and the Human Costs of Getting it... 09-12-2010 | UNCATEGORIZED
Jailed for Their Beliefs For many Americans, their first encounter with Falun Gong is to see its practitioners passing out fliers or newsletters. They... 04-25-2010 | UNCATEGORIZED
Falun Gong Persecution and Activism in 2009 As China enters the second decade of the 21st century, to casual observers, its cities and towns are permeated with... 04-25-2010 | UNCATEGORIZED
Denial of Fair Public Trial and Perscution of Defense Attorneys The CCP and 6-10 Office continued to use their influence over judges, the legal profession, and law enforcement agencies to... 04-25-2010 | UNCATEGORIZED
Arbitrary Arrest and Imprisonment Chinese security forces continued to abduct large numbers of Falun Gong practitioners during 2009, with over 2,500 cases documented by... 04-25-2010 | UNCATEGORIZED
Olympics Prisoner Dies from Torture Shortly after Release from Labor Camp A middle-aged doctor from Tianjin died on December 4, only 22 days after her release from Banqiao Re-education through labor... 01-04-2010 | DEATHS