The Dark Side of China Just across the street rise the familiar golden arches of Macdonald’s. Its all very comforting. Today China is a free... 02-24-2020 | BBC Beijing Correspondent | UNCATEGORIZED
US Officials, Lawmaker Slam China Over Religious Persecution of Ethnic Uyghurs Top U.S. officials and a U.S. lawmaker have called out China in recent days for its treatment of ethnic Uyghurs... 09-17-2018 | INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING
New Report: Organ Transplant Abuse in China Continues Despite Claims of Reform Severe abuses continue in China’s organ transplant system—including the sourcing of organs from prisoners of conscience on a large scale—despite... 09-02-2018 | INDEPENDENT DOCUMENTATION
Amidst Labor Camp Closures, Chinese Regime Launches Renewed Campaign of Brainwashing, Abuse Western media reports over the last several days have largely characterized the Communist Party's decision to close the widely-scorned Re-education... 11-18-2013 | PRESS RELEASES
Misunderstanding Falun Gong and the Human Cost of Getting it Wrong As this report goes to print, hundreds of thousands (if not over a million) of Falun Gong practitioners remain captive... 04-25-2010 | UNCATEGORIZED
Under Rule of Law Veneer, Hundreds of Falun Gong Practitioners Illegally Sent to Prison Camps for Up to 18 Years The Communist Party is using its influence over judges within Chinas court system to send an unprecedented number of innocent... 12-22-2009 | ABDUCTIONS AND IMPRISONMENT
May 12, 2009: Falun Gong News Bulletin New York Times: With New Software, Iranians And Others Outwit Net Censors News-Leader (Springfield, Missouri): A Mothers Day... 05-12-2009 | NEWS BULLETINS