Press Statement (October 1, 2001) Today is October 1st, Chinas National Day. It is also the first day of this years Mid-Autumn Festival for Chinese... 10-01-2001 | DEATHS
Former Chinese Military Doctor Testifies before the U.S. Congress My name is Wang Guoqi and I am a 38-year-old physician from the People's Republic of China. In 1981, after... 06-27-2001 | ORGAN HARVESTING
Press Statement (November 4, 2001) The city of Changchun in the northeastern province of Jilin is called in Chinese "The City of Eternal Spring." But... 05-11-2001 | PRESS RELEASES
Human Fire Ignites Chinese Mystery Feb 6, 2001 Washington Post Author Philip Pan traveled to Kaifeng to investigate two of the immolators, Ms. Liu Chunling... 02-06-2001 | INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING
Human Fire Ignites Chinese Mystery Feb 6, 2001 Philip Pan from the Washington Post traveled to Kaifeng to investigate two of the immolators, Ms. Liu... 02-04-2001 | INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING
Death Trap – How One Chinese City Resorted to Atrocities To Control Falun Dafa Dec 26, 2000 Wall Street Journal The officials' brutality toward Ms. Chen seemed exceptional at the time. Torture in China... 12-26-2000 | DEATHS
PRC: The Crackdown on Falun Gong and Other So-Called Heretical Organizations (excerpts) Since July 1999, a whole series of decisions, notices, regulations, judicial interpretations and other official documents have been issued by... 03-23-2000 | UNCATEGORIZED