NBC Journalists Distort and Malign Falun Gong to Strengthen Attack on Rival Media NBC reporters Brandy Zadrozny and Ben Collins have published an article grossly mischaracterizing the beliefs and plight of the Falun... 08-21-2019 | PRESS RELEASES
Falun Gong in the News: Olympic Prisoners, Organ Transplants, U.S. Statement * Wall Street Journal: Chinas Olympic Prisoners (August 9, 2016) * The Epoch Times: US Officials to China: Let Long-Suffering... 09-12-2016 | NEWS BULLETINS
December 6, 2010: Falun Gong News Bulletin * FDIC: Urgent Appeal: 25-year-old Woman Unable to Walk from Sexual Abuse in Hebei Labor Camp * FDIC: Elderly Falun... 12-06-2010 | NEWS BULLETINS
September 22, 2010: Falun Gong News Bulletin * FDIC: Falun Gong Practitioner Dies in Custody Eight Days after Abduction * FDIC: Hunan Police Beat Local Businessman to... 09-22-2010 | NEWS BULLETINS
Feb. 12, 2010: Falun Gong News Bulletin * FDIC: "Nearly 100 Falun Gong Practitioners Killed in 2009, Documents New Report" * FDIC: "Prisoner of Conscience Detained on... 02-12-2010 | NEWS BULLETINS
Will Chinese Repression Play in Peoria? Feb 21, 2002 Wall Street Journal Time was when Americans had to travel halfway around the world to feel the... 02-21-2002 | INTERNATIONAL PRESSURE
Death Trap – How One Chinese City Resorted to Atrocities To Control Falun Dafa Dec 26, 2000 Wall Street Journal The officials' brutality toward Ms. Chen seemed exceptional at the time. Torture in China... 12-26-2000 | DEATHS
Falun Dafa Members File Suit Over Crackdown Against Group October 9, 2000 Wall Street Journal Two Falun Dafa members have filed suit with China's supreme court, alleging several senior... 10-09-2000 | INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING