After 12 Years, Falun Gong’s Peaceful Resistance Brings Hope Amidst Repression Twelve years ago this week, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched a campaign to eradicate Falun Gonga peaceful and popular... 07-19-2011 | PRESS RELEASES
Falun Gong’s Peaceful Resistance As the pages of this report demonstrate, the scale and cruelty of the Communist Party’s campaign against Falun Gong is... 04-26-2010 | UNCATEGORIZED
On the 25th Anniversary, Government Officials Stand in Solidarity with Falun Gong Members of Congress, the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Embassy to China, and parliamentarians worldwide voiced support for the... 07-18-2024 | GOVERNMENT ACTIONS
UK Officials Express Support for Falun Gong Practitioners on Anniversary of Historic Appeal Government officials from the highest offices in the United Kingdom voiced their support for efforts to end the persecution of... 04-29-2024 | GOVERNMENT ACTIONS
The Falun Gong Distortion The New York Times’ Falun Gong Distortion How the “paper of record” repeatedly failed to cover atrocities against Falun Gong,... 03-21-2024 | REPORT
Falun Gong Dissent in China, Organ Harvesting Developments Dear Reader, Data from the latest issue of Freedom House’s China Dissent Monitor (CDM) indicates that Falun Gong practitioners in... 03-01-2024 | NEWSLETTERS
On the 24th Anniversary, Government Officials Stand in Solidarity with Falun Gong July 20, 2023 marks the 24th anniversary of Falun Dafa practitioners’ peaceful resistance against the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of... 07-26-2023 | GOVERNMENT ACTIONS
UK Prime Minister’s Office Congratulates Falun Gong Practitioners for April 25 Rally The British Prime Minister’s Office sent a letter commending Falun Gong practitioners for their peaceful resistance and applauded the 24-year-long... 04-26-2023 | GOVERNMENT ACTIONS
(jan) The Story Page This is a modern-time story of the most monumental clash between the crushing power of a tyrannical state and traditional... 02-16-2023 |